Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fitz of Distraction


Calendars of "Fitz of Distraction" comics are available. Email kersley.fitz at yahoo dot com

Friday, October 23, 2009


OK, how many venues can I post this on? One more, at least.

My first acceptance! "Showing of Sustenance" has been picked up for the November 2009 issue of the emag Digital Dragon. No, they don't pay anything, but considering the first draft of the story was posted on my blog, this is very, very cool. Gotta love the acceptance, too:

"I’ll be honest; I wanted to dislike this piece as it didn’t have the feel I was originally looking for. However I couldn’t put it down. You created an intriguing world, characters you felt for, and a great short story. I am more than happy to have it as part of this issue, and to introduce our fans to your work."

Sorry if everyone who reads this blog has already heard the news. Don't worry, you'll hear it again :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Writer's Block


The calendar of Writer's Block comics is now available. Although it will have a different name. email Kersley.fitz at yahoo dot com for more information.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Critical Thinking

New post over at the Friday Challenge on Rudyard Kipling's sci fi stories.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009


Buckled down and wrote today. After reading the Friday Challenge entries, of course. Got in right at about 4000 words. Sitting at 28,500, now, with 365,000 to go. No. Wait. 36,500 to go. That's better!

Tomorrow may be a good day, too. The Boy has a friend overnight, the weather's promising to be lousy, and the husband has football. I hear Pike's Perk calling...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Today I posted a book review, edited and formatted a small book of short stories, and created a calendar featuring my comics. And then wondered if I shouldn't go in and change the comics. Give them a more consistent color scheme. Two days running working all day and not touching my WIP. Funny how it's consistently refusing to write itself...

Critical Thinking

There's a new post on the Friday Challenge site. Check it out here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009