Monday, May 24, 2010

A New Project

I have been remiss in keeping this blog in any state of updatedness. Hopefully, that is about to change.

It is summer. And in the midst of editing stories and schlepping them around to people who might want to read them, I have taken on a Herculean task. I have one boy, 8 1/2, (No, we're not planning on having any more, thank you. If you knew him, you'd know why.) who we'll call JT. He is very bright, but young for his grade, and consistently falls shy of school district standards. (No, I do not homeschool, thank you. If you knew me, you'd know why!) So he benefits greatly by the blessing that is summer school. Sadly, budget restrictions have put the kibosh on summer school this year, so it's up to me.

Poor kid.

In the past, I've half-heartedly relied on Summer Bridge workbooks. I would have loved these books at his age. I thought workbooks were a treat right up there with foot-high ice cream cones from Zo's. But alas, the child is not terribly interested.

What he is, is terribly mechanical. Ridiculously mechanical. How mechanical? Mechanical enough to go from this:

to this:

in about five hours with no help.

So in an effort to have him work on math, writing, reading, and general organizational skills in a way that will bless his heart and keep his excitement up, we are attempting something new. We're going to build a fort. But we're not just going to build a fort. He's going to plan the fort, write a list of things he wants to do in it, write a story about it, plot it in the yard, draw it (using basic drafting skills), and construct it.

I just hope I can keep up. I have a terrible habit of starting these things (guitar lessons?) and getting distracted.

So today I give our first report.

Today we went to Target and Office Max to get planning supplies--paper, mechanical pencils, colored pencils, a 3-ringed binder, basic drafting supplies (man that tape is still stinkin' expensive!), and so forth.

Target: $17.57
Office Max: $18.74

We recorded the expenses and organized the supplies. Now he's drawing a picture of what he wants the outside of the fort to look like. Apparently, flames will be required.


  1. Flames...DUH mom!!!

  2. Sounds cool! So, how awesome a fort are you going for? Will it have:
    An electrified door knocker?
    A laser defense system?
    A moat?
    An animatronic bear guardian?
    An anti missile system?
    The capability to withstand the impact of a Ford Taurus at any location?
    A fifty foot concrete wall topped with razor wire?
    Gold Bullion in the basement?
    A secret tunnel from it to his bedroom?
    An elevated train to take him to school?
    A swimming pool fool of laconic sharks?
    A robot that says "DANGER, DANGER!" In an iconic way?
    Food storage and supplies to survive nuclear winter?
    A squad of elite and militant but illegal migrants to do the lawn and die in his name?
    A Tank bay?
    A Tank to put in the tank bay?
    A lift for the armored motorcycle?
    A 52' plasma television with a few thousand dollars worth of game systems?
    A drawbridge made of glued together "ET for the 2600" cartridges?
    A stereo that can be heard two states away?
    A pompous British butler?
    A French maid that he can crush on until he's eighteen?
    A particle beam weapons lab?
    A place to put the dart board with his teacher's face on it?
    An elevator to his own satellite?
    A lava lamp?
    A few dozen new arcade games?
    A Stargate?
    A few Giant mechanical war machines that he can use to defend the earth from space aliens?
    Santa Radar?
    A round table? With a booster seat?
    A mounted Unicorn head?
    An ice skating rink?
    A swimming pool that is shark-free?
    A refrigerator?
    A drive through McDonalds, in case he gets hungry driving the tank?
    A direct line to mount doom, in case Sauron needs tactical advice?
    A snickers bar dispenser?
    An oubliette?
    A bathroom with a whirlpool tub?
    A Cerebro chamber?
    A million other things that I always wanted in a fort, but that I never got. Including the fort itself. The closest I ever got to a fort was built out of couch cushions when I was five. I got in trouble for it.

    Good luck!
